Use the Click/Pop Eliminator effect (Effects > Noise Reduction/Restoration) to remove microphone pops, clicks, light hiss, and crackles. Such noise is common on recordings such as old vinyl records and on-location recordings. The effect dialog box stays open, and you can adjust the selection, and fix multiple clicks without reopening the effect several times.
Start with a threshold of 35 for high-amplitude audio (above -15 dB), 25 for average amplitudes, and 10 for low-amplitude audio (below-50 dB). These settings allow for the most clicks to be found, and usually all of the louder ones. If a constant crackle is in the background of the source audio, try lowering the Min Threshold level or increasing the dB level to which the threshold is assigned. The level can be as low as 6, but a lower setting can cause the filter to remove sound other than clicks.
Gc Pro Key Crackl
Determines the FFT size used to repair clicks, pops, and crackle. In general, select Auto to let Adobe Audition determine the FFT size. For some types of audio, however, you might want to enter a specific FFT size (from 8 to 512). A good starting value is 32, but if clicks are still quite audible, increase the value to 48, and then 64, and so on. The higher the value, the slower the correction will be, but the better the potential results. If the value is too high, rumbly, low frequency distortion can occur. 2ff7e9595c