Design loads during construction must account for the often short duration of loading and for the variability of temporary loads. Many elements of the completed structure that provide strength, stiffness, stability, or continuity may not be present during construction. Download This book From Our Site: Civil Engineering PDF
Asce 37 02 Design Loads On Structures During Construction Pdf
Design Loads on Structures during Construction, ASCE/SEI 37-14, describes the minimum design requirements for construction loads, load combinations, and load factors affecting buildings and other structures that are under construction. It addresses partially completed structures as well as temporary support and access structures used during construction. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();
Design of Wood Structures-ASD/LRFD: Continued the sterling standard set by earlier editions, this indispensable reference leads you through the complete design of a wood structure (except for the foundation), following the same sequence used in the actual design/construction process. This has been newly updated as of 2014 and the link will take you to that edition.
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-11) and Commentary (ACI 318R-11): The code portion of this document covers the design and construction of structural concrete used in buildings and where applicable in nonbuilding structures.
Among the subjects covered are: drawings and specifications; inspection; materials; durability requirements; concrete quality, mixing and placing; formwork; embedded pipes; construction joints; reinforcement details; analysis and design; strength and serviceability; flexural and axial loads; shear and torsion; development and splices of reinforcement; slab systems; walls; footings; precast concrete; composite flexural members; prestressed concrete; shells and folded plate members; strength evaluation of existing structures; special provisions for seismic design; structural plain concrete; strut-and-tie modeling in Appendix A; alternative design provisions in Appendix B; alternative load and strength-reduction factors in Appendix C; and anchoring to concrete in Appendix D.
Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (6th Edition): Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 6/e is a perfect text for professionals in the field who need a comprehensive reference on concrete structures and the design of reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete design encompasses both the art and science of engineering. This book presents the theory of reinforced concrete as a direct application of the laws of statics and mechanics of materials. In addition, it emphasizes that a successful design not only satisfies design rules, but also is capable of being built in a timely fashion and for a reasonable cost. A multi-tiered approach makes Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design an outstanding textbook for a variety of university courses on reinforced concrete design. Topics are normally introduced at a fundamental level, and then move to higher levels where prior educational experience and the development of engineering judgment will be required.
Formwork for Concrete 7th edition: This document serves a broad range of information needs with the objective of improving quality, safety, and economy in all types of formwork. For the experienced designer or builder of formwork, it is a ready reference on material properties, design data, and construction suggestions. For the architect or engineer, it adds guidance relating to structural design details and the problems and possibilities of executing them in formwork. For the novice, the book explains basic design principles and provides an introduction to many common formwork practices. This edition includes new material on single-sided wall forms, insulating concrete forms, pressure formulas with coefficients for differing weights and mix chemistries, inflated forming methods, and expanded text on multistory shoring systems.
Design Loads on Structures During Construction (SEI/ASCE 37-02): This Standard provides minimum design load requirements during construction for buildings and other structures. It addresses partially completed structures and temporary structures used during construction. The loads specified are suitable for use either with strength design (such as USD and LRFD) or with allowable stress design (ASD) criteria. The loads are equally applicable to all conventional construction methods. Topics include loads and load combinations, dead and live loads, construction loads, lateral earth pressures, environmental loads, and performance and safety criteria. The basis of loads are probabilistic analysis, observation of construction practices, and expert opinions. Maximum, as well as arbitrary point-in-time values of loads are given.
Masonry Structural Design: Written by the former chair of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC), this authoritative volume covers the design of masonry structures using the 2009 International Building Code and the 2008 MSJC Code and Specification.
Wind Loads: Guide to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-05: Wind Loads: Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-05 focuses on the wind load provisions as they affect the planning, design, and construction of buildings for residential and commercial purposes. This revised and updated guide provides users with an overview of the provisions and a detailed explanation of recommended design procedures. Users of this guide will benefit from the 13 worked examples and more than 30 frequently asked questions, grouped by topic. Wind Loads also addresses new provisions introduced in ASCE 7-05. This book is an essential reference for practicing structural engineers who design buildings and structures, as it offers the most authoritative and in-depth interpretation of the wind loads section of ASCE Standard 7-05.
Snow Loads: A Guide to the Snow Load Provisions of Asce 7-05: Snow Loads: Guide to the Snow Load Provisions of ASCE 7-05 provides a detailed authoritative interpretation of the snow load provisions of ASCE/SEI Standard 7-05. The new Snow Loads is a revision of the previous edition that served as a guide to ASCE/SEI Standard 7-02. Like its predecessor, the new Snow Loads includes examples of flat roof loads, sloped roof loads, partials loads, and all types of conventional drift loading. New material includes a chapter of three complete design examples: a metal building with a roof step, a pole barn with a hip roof, and a single-family residence with attached, two-car garage. Also included are recent changes to the provisions for unbalanced loads and rain-on-snow surcharge loads. Several example problems have been updated and two fresh examples added. The revised and expanded Frequently Asked Questions chapter addresses common snow loading cases not explicitly covered in ASCE/SEI Standard 7-05. The new Snow Loads is the only book devoted to the illustration, interpretation, and application of the snow load provisions of ASCE/SEI Standard 7-05. An essential reference for practicing structural engineers. 2ff7e9595c